Authentic Japan Experiences


Japanese Culture 101


Most people who travel to Japan are amazed by how efficiently everything operates. It’s got a lot to do with all the rules, both written and unwritten. Whether it’s business or pleasure, daily life is entrenched in etiquette, and it takes years to understand all the intricacies of Japanese culture. While visitors are not expected to know all the ins and outs, being aware of what flies and what doesn’t is a great way to connect with locals and save yourself from a few embarrassing situations. Here is a crash course in Japanese Etiquette 101.

Japanese Culture 101 Bathing


There are many nuances that come with this cultural practice, and Japanese people do not expect foreigners to understand them.

But, a slight inclination of the head as a greeting, or thank you will be appreciated. This same gesture is used when driving, instead of a wave of the hand.

Read Top Tips for a Road Trip Through Japan for more pointers on driving.

Stick to the Left

In Tokyo when climbing stairs, on an escalator, or walking on the sidewalk, stick to the left. The right is reserved for people in a rush. However, in the Kansai region (which includes Osaka, Kyoto and Nara) it’s done the opposite way around.

Sharing a Meal

Don’t eat directly out of shared plates of food. Take a bit out of the shared dish with your chopsticks, place it on your own plate, and then eat. And wait until someone else is dishing from a plate before helping yourself.

Garbage Disposal

You’ll note that there are very few bins around. You are expected to hold on to your trash until you find one. You’ll usually spot one next to a vending machine or outside a convenience store.  If you are staying in an Airbnb, ask at check-in where the communal garbage drop off point is and what the basic guidelines of sorting the trash are. Note that the rules differ from city to city, so ask every time you change location.

Phone Calls

Speaking loudly on your cellphone in public may get you a few stares as it is considered impolite. Taking a phone call on a train or in a restaurant is not common practice out of consideration for others.


Chopsticks are only for eating with. Don’t drum them or wave them around while chatting. When they’re not in use, rest them on the chopstick stand or your own plate.



Tips are not just unnecessary, they’re not accepted. Leave money behind and you may have the waitron running down the street after you to return the money.

Knowing When to Be Quiet

Izakayas get loud and raucous, but as soon as stumbling partygoers step into their suburbs they are quiet out of respect to their neighbours. Being loud in public spaces in general is not okay. Read the room, and follow suit.

Before Digging In

When out in a group, wait to ‘cheers’ before taking your first sip. The expression in Japan is “kanpai!”. Before eating, it is good manners to put your hands together and say “itadakimasu”, which translates to, “I humbly receive.”

Respect Personal Space

In South Africa, greetings include big hugs and kisses. In Japan, people are less comfortable with physical contact. This includes a pat on the back or a tap for attention. Public displays of affection will also make those around you feel a bit uncomfortable.


Homes and hotel rooms will most likely have a genkan. This is a section at the entrance of the spaces where shoes are to be removed before accessing the rest of the house. Outside the bathroom, you might see a pair of bathroom slippers, these should be slipped on before going into the bathroom.

Walking and Eating or Smoking

Walking while eating or smoking is a ‘no-no’. If you’re eating street food or a snack, find a spot where you’re out of the way to enjoy it while standing, or sitting on a bench. Smoking and walking is actually illegal in some areas, look out for the dedicated smoking areas.


In Japan, bathing is for relaxing, not for cleaning. And so, you’ll always see a shower along with the bath. First shower with soap to clean yourself, and rinse thoroughly before bathing. This applies to both at your accommodation, or at an onsen.

Japanese Culture 101